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Paris is taking my Amira away.

Its 3 AM and I've spent pretty much the whole night trying to write something/ put a video together/ make a vlog that declares my love for you.

Men det gåååår inteee.

She's leaving tomorrow (today) to Paris, even though I hate Paris for stealing my Amira, I am so happy she gets to FINALLY go do it. She is going to rock Paris like nobodies business. I am the proudest friend there is. Proud to have such a beautiful, funny, intelligent, driven, and cuddly friend who loves to spoon. She is probably the slowest (not mentally) person you will ever meet. She eats slow, walks slow, and is just veeery slow and takes her time with everything. Hahaha. She is also probably the most active person too (how does that work?) At one point she was mastering three jobs, pretty much two degrees AND working out. And she's super politically active, and wants to do all the stuff she does and change the world at the same time. AND she always has time for her friends and family.

I love her and she is the best, and I couldnt even make a compilation of our best moments, because there were TOO many. I literally looked through all the photos and videos of us that I own. And I started making about 3 videos, and then completely gave up. So I decided to piece together these two hidden gems from what has to be the best night out ever. Also, two of our favourite things are represented here: Harry Potter, and Coldplay. And I think I have a video of us screaming "Palestina Palestina, dina bekymmer är också mina!" Which would basically wrap up our entire friendship. Haha. Don't know if anyone but Amira and Naelia are going to appreciate this video, and I guess that's all that matters ;)

McDonalds säger jag bara. hahahahahaa


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